Every generation has their problems; their successes and their failures. Some may experience more failures than others but i think the way you handle your situation is what defines a generation, a person, and a country. Right now our generation is faced with a challenge. It's a challenge of human rights, and whom deserves what. Our actions are imperative. This is OUR generations Civil Rights Movement.
President Obama, this is your time, this is your moment to step up and take action. If you don't someone else will and whoever that person is they will go down in history for making a change; much like President Lincoln.
I do NOT care if you gay, straight, transgender, bi, white, black, asian... this is our fight. Our moment to show the world we are smart and capable of making a change. Our government should not have control over who we marry. No person should lose their life, or feel like they no hope because of WHO they love. EVER. Acceptance is the key. Do you have to like or agree with everyone's choices? NO but they deserve their right to make their own choices, just like you have your right to make yours.
Have you ever thought about the words you say? How they may effect others around you? words like gay, fag, QUEER are offensive, just like their are certain words you don't like... don't believe words have an effect on people?!
"Personally I'm a firm believer that we are all equal, no race, sexual preference, gender or political affiliation makes us better (or worse) than another one. We all deserve respect, love and acceptance. Us being different makes us beautiful. does this make me a liberal? or a republican...i don't know those are just words used to label us and restrict our beliefs- but i do know it DOES make me a compassionate person, and thats a label ill accept any day."
It's OUR turn to change the world, and this is OUR moment.
Checkout the THE TREVOR PROJECT -The Trevor Project is an American non-profit organization founded in 1998 and the leading national organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth
It Gets Better -THE PLEDGE: Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work. I'll provide hope for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and other bullied teens by letting them know that "It Gets Better.
Honestly- the best way you can help- is to BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.
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