We live in a society were 96% of our population has a cell phone. As a country we send over 2.1 TRILLION texts a year. And spend that same amount of minutes on the phone. With all this time on our cell phone, ipads, and other mobile gadgets makes wonder what else are we doing with our time? is there a time in the day when we enjoy the silence? A time where we DON'T have a phone or technical device in our hands? Now I'm going to admit right now, I'm as guilty as the next person. I have my phone with 24/7 and i take my Mac anywhere i think i going to need it.
As a society we have become obsessed with letting the world know every detail of life through Facebook, twitter, tumbler and such. (and yes i admit I'm guilty of this.) The other day i was walking through the mall, and i saw a girl, not more than 5 or 6, begging her mother for a cell phone. I paused and though to myself "what in the world does a little kid need a cell phone for? To call when they wake up from nap time?!"
Last night my cell broke, for the i don't know the third, maybe fourth time?! I found myself in a panic to get it fixed. Once i found my sanity i sat down and thought about the possibilities of NOT having a phone. I started to like the idea. I mean its a totally cut off from the world for the next week or so. I get to enjoy the beauty around me and not worry about my phone. It's like a vacation from the world, really it is. My advice is put your phone down and look around. It's amazing what you missed while staring at that tiny little screen, thats controlling your life.
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