Wednesday, August 24, 2011

love IS louder.

       Recently my motives behind my "Love is Louder" stance have been accused and questioned. So i decided i would make this a public statement that way my words can NOT be twisted and used against me anymore....
Okay so Love is Louder is anti-bullying movement, which encourages people to use positive reinforcements to handle situations rather than negatives ones.  This is such a good idea, there's never a  reason to hurt anyone. 
This does NOT mean its acceptable to let people take advantage of you, and hurt you.  You have EVERY RIGHT to stand up for yourself. Just because i believe that Love can be used to heal many situations does NOT mean you should let people walk all over you. You have a voice and tons rights in USING that Voice..  Taking advantage of people is NEVER OKAY, no matter the situation, and letting someone do it you is definitely not okay. 

Here's what gets me the most- you try your hardest to be a good person and help others out but they throw your beliefs and values in your face the moment you try to defend yourself. That's not okay, especially when i stood by you for months and you made a complete fool of me. Remember this- there is only so much you can do for one person; only so much you can take. You can only LOVE a person for so long before they tear you apart. So you wake up and get the hell over it, and realize that by LOVING YOURSELF; your letting your love for that person GO. and that my friends means LOVE IS LOUDER. Not everything stays the same, which is fine but by no means does it mean that you are expected to continue to love someone that hurts you repeatedly. or that uses you. You can doubt my feelings on this all you want, but what you need to know is I'm not hurting you. I'm NOT tearing you down, I'm just letting you go. (but i am fighting for what is RIGHTFULLY mine.) This is the difference between standing by my stance on this and breaking it. I don't have to be a fan of someone who continually hurt and took advantage of my kindness.  The thing is while killing people with kindness is a great tactic, sometimes you have to back it up with intensity. Ever heard of tough love?!? its the same idea, don't ever degrade yourself because your afraid. Stand up for what you believe in, and don't take No for answer. You deserve the best. 
Basically what I'm saying is LOVE is louder than loving you because somethings just aren't worth your time. 
Instead of criticizing me, maybe you should look into what Love means, maybe you should think about the way you treat people. What makes you think its okay to hurt, steal, cheat and lie? (yes all of which you did  DO.) At least i TRY my best to be a good person, what about you? since when is taking advantage of someone's LOVE being a good person? If i were you i would worry a LOT less about me and my life (which i don't want you in anyway) and focus on learning how to be a person capable of love. You can't go through life destroying people, it will catch up to eventually. Maybe not today, or tomorrow but one day your actions will come back around. I do not hate you, but your not someone i want to associate myself with because of your actions. If you consider this not believe that love is louder thats absolutely fine. But i can always take care of myself before i can take care of others. I believe that loving myself is louder, and that letting you go is the best decision I've ever made. 
Hope this clarifies how i can not enjoy someones presence but still believe that LOVE IS LOUDER.

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