Friday, March 2, 2012

Twilight Killed Romance.

A few weeks ago i was walking to though Target and I over heard a conversation, and being the creep i am, i decided this conversation was worth my time. (by the way they were having a very loud conversation in public, it was like they WANTED me to listen) went as such...
Girl 1 "Honestly i think Twilight is the most romantic movie ever.."
Girl 2 "OMG i knowww, i wish i could date a vampire."
Girl 3 "OMG or a werewolf...they are always so hot."
Girl 1"i know right, they just have a sexy gene."
Girl 2 "I love the way Edward looks at Bella."

first of all...He looks at her like he wants to EAT her...
2nd of all she always looks like she's constipated.

But in the world does Twilight even classify as romance? Its absolutely heartbreaking to me that girls think this is romance. Has our society seriously dumbed down the idea of romance that far? if you ask me, some guy watching me sleep is considered stalking not romantic...Not to mention the idea of actually wanting to date a vampire...this has gotten out of hand.
Twilight has 'staked' the standards for REAL heartfelt romance...

What happened to the 'Gone With the Wind' or 'Casablanca' standards of romance? When a guy actually respected a woman?  Where you could watch the movie and see them fall in love...not them having one date and then something going wrong...and then falling into bed with each other. Somewhere along the lines we as a society decided that sex was the definition of love and romance. This is ridiculous...the last 5 minutes of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' has more romance in on kiss than all these cheesy romance movies made in the past 10 years combined.
Don't believe me? have a look for yourself...

However this what we consider romance now...
It's a travesty honesty...what kind of impression are we giving young woman.? That sex is the only way to fall in love. Or its okay to not have standards. Let's be real...we are killing romance. i mean it doesn't actually stand a change when these Romantic Comedies are setting the bar so low. All i know with images like this floating around its no wonder chivalry is dead. I'd love to see a shift in this, real heart breaking romance but in a era of sequels, prequels, and sex sells- i don't see this happening anytime soon. 
While the majority of girls buy into this ROCOM bullshit...i on the other hand believe it's better to have realistic  standards than sell out to a commercialized standard of "love". So you better believe this girl will stick to higher standards of romance...even i will remain part of a dying breed. 
Keep it Classy-

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