Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Technology Overload.

We live in a society were 96% of our population has a cell phone. As a country we send over 2.1 TRILLION texts a year. And spend that same amount of minutes on the phone. With all this time on our cell phone, ipads, and other mobile gadgets makes wonder what else are we doing with our time? is there a time in the day when we enjoy the silence? A time where we DON'T have a phone or technical device in our hands? Now I'm going to admit right now, I'm as guilty as the next person. I have my phone with 24/7 and i take my Mac anywhere i think i going to need it.

As a society we have become obsessed with letting the world know every detail of life through Facebook, twitter, tumbler and such. (and yes i admit I'm guilty of this.) The other day i was walking through the mall, and i saw a girl, not more than 5 or 6, begging her mother for a cell phone. I paused and though to myself "what in the world does a little kid need a cell phone for? To call when they wake up from nap time?!"  
Last night my cell broke, for the i don't know the third, maybe fourth time?! I found myself in a panic to get it fixed. Once i found my sanity i sat down and thought about the possibilities of NOT having a phone. I started to like the idea. I mean its a totally cut off from the world for the next week or so. I get to enjoy the beauty around me and not worry about my phone. It's like a vacation from the world, really it is. My advice is put your phone down and look around. It's amazing what you missed while staring at that tiny little screen, thats controlling your life. 


Friday, August 26, 2011

On this day in history...

91 years ago, the 19th amendment to the constitution was certified giving women the right to vote!
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any States on account of sex.  The Congress shall have the power by appropriate legislation to enforce the provisions of this article."

Votes for women were first seriously proposed in the United States in 1848 at Women`s Rights Convention.  
Battles for women`s suffrage were won state-by-state by the early 20th century as Alice Paul and the movement began staging demonstrations, marches, and going to jail. 
Thousands of ordinary women took part in these.  In 1913, 8,000 women marched on President Woodrow Wilson`s inauguration day. 200 were injured in the violence that broke out. 
 During his second inaugural in 1917, Alice Paul led a march around the White House.
The well-organized and well-funded anti-suffrage movement argued that most women didn`t want the vote, and they were probably not qualifed to exercise it anyway.   

The Women`s movement argued with humor when they wrote:

Why we don`t want Men to Vote.
*Because man`s place is in the Army.
*Because no really manly man wants to settle any question otherwise than by fighting about it.
*Because if men should adopt peaceable methods, women will no longer look up to them.
* Because men are too emotional to vote.  Their conduct at baseball games and political conventions shows this, while their innate tendency to appeal to force renders them unfit for government.

When thirty-five of the necessary thirty-six states had ratified the amendment, the battle came to Nashville Tennessee.  Anti and pro suffrage forces from around the country descended on the town, and on August 18th, 1920, the final vote was secheduled.  One young legislator, 24 year-old Harry Burn had voted with the anti-vote forces up to that time.  But his mother had urged that he vote for the amendment and for suffrage.  When he saw the vote was close, and if he voted anti-suffrage, it would be tied 48 ot 48, he decided to vote as his Mother had urged him, for the right of Women to vote!
 So Tennessee became the deciding 36th state to ratify it!

And so on August 26th, 1920,the Nineteenth Amendment became law.

Woo-hoo congrats Ladies,
Now lets make sure we use our voice that these strong women before us fought so hard for! I just thought this was a little fun fact for the day. And a reminder that anything worth having is worth fighting for! Hopefully we can use these same classy tatcics to win the battle of hate over same sex marriages and rights!  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 for Thursday

Hello loves- here are three of my favorite things (:

Feather Earrings! 
I have a few different pairs of these earrings and i love them! 
They add a little sass to your outfit! 


I love these- they are soft and comfy.
Plus the come in short, regular and Long sizes!
Which i love because workout clothes are always way to long for me! 
They are the perfect workout pants!

My all time favorite movie!
Great love story, with iconic Actors


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

love IS louder.

       Recently my motives behind my "Love is Louder" stance have been accused and questioned. So i decided i would make this a public statement that way my words can NOT be twisted and used against me anymore....
Okay so Love is Louder is anti-bullying movement, which encourages people to use positive reinforcements to handle situations rather than negatives ones.  This is such a good idea, there's never a  reason to hurt anyone. 
This does NOT mean its acceptable to let people take advantage of you, and hurt you.  You have EVERY RIGHT to stand up for yourself. Just because i believe that Love can be used to heal many situations does NOT mean you should let people walk all over you. You have a voice and tons rights in USING that Voice..  Taking advantage of people is NEVER OKAY, no matter the situation, and letting someone do it you is definitely not okay. 

Here's what gets me the most- you try your hardest to be a good person and help others out but they throw your beliefs and values in your face the moment you try to defend yourself. That's not okay, especially when i stood by you for months and you made a complete fool of me. Remember this- there is only so much you can do for one person; only so much you can take. You can only LOVE a person for so long before they tear you apart. So you wake up and get the hell over it, and realize that by LOVING YOURSELF; your letting your love for that person GO. and that my friends means LOVE IS LOUDER. Not everything stays the same, which is fine but by no means does it mean that you are expected to continue to love someone that hurts you repeatedly. or that uses you. You can doubt my feelings on this all you want, but what you need to know is I'm not hurting you. I'm NOT tearing you down, I'm just letting you go. (but i am fighting for what is RIGHTFULLY mine.) This is the difference between standing by my stance on this and breaking it. I don't have to be a fan of someone who continually hurt and took advantage of my kindness.  The thing is while killing people with kindness is a great tactic, sometimes you have to back it up with intensity. Ever heard of tough love?!? its the same idea, don't ever degrade yourself because your afraid. Stand up for what you believe in, and don't take No for answer. You deserve the best. 
Basically what I'm saying is LOVE is louder than loving you because somethings just aren't worth your time. 
Instead of criticizing me, maybe you should look into what Love means, maybe you should think about the way you treat people. What makes you think its okay to hurt, steal, cheat and lie? (yes all of which you did  DO.) At least i TRY my best to be a good person, what about you? since when is taking advantage of someone's LOVE being a good person? If i were you i would worry a LOT less about me and my life (which i don't want you in anyway) and focus on learning how to be a person capable of love. You can't go through life destroying people, it will catch up to eventually. Maybe not today, or tomorrow but one day your actions will come back around. I do not hate you, but your not someone i want to associate myself with because of your actions. If you consider this not believe that love is louder thats absolutely fine. But i can always take care of myself before i can take care of others. I believe that loving myself is louder, and that letting you go is the best decision I've ever made. 
Hope this clarifies how i can not enjoy someones presence but still believe that LOVE IS LOUDER.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Get busy living or get busy dying.

This is my before i kick the bucket list...haha...(in no particular order)
I'm sure this will be edited and updated a 1000 times

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who's going to stop me"

Go to Rome

Go to London
Become a Foster Parent 
Ski in Colorado 
Meet Shia LaBeouf
Write the perfect Horror Movie
Go surfing

Write A Book
Go to Vegas
Meet Chelsea Handler 
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending"
Go Skydiving 
Go to New Orleans 
Visit Paris 
See a show on Broadway
Become a vegetarian 
Drive the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile 
Read every novel that has won a Pulitzer Prize in the Fiction Category.
Learn another language
SCUBA in the Great Barrier Reef
Bungee Jump
ride the top 10 roller coasters in the world
See every movie that has won the Oscar for best picture 
Learn to say "no" without feeling guilty.
Get a PhD
Buy jewelry at Tiffany & Co.
take up yoga 

 "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." (Casablanca)


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Three for Thursday

Hello Dolls- 

I have a few 3 for Thursday recommendations for you.. I hope you enjoy! 

Once I picked this book up I was addicted! I finished it in 2 days! It's a great read, excellent story, and likable characters. It easily one of my favorite books. Looking forward to seeing the movie! 

Matt Nathanson's album is one you can listen to start to finish! (maybe even on repeat! ) It's great! definitely one of my favorite albums of all time! It makes me even more pumped to see him in concert in October! 

I stumbled upon this at organic lemonade at Kroger, and I love it! It's delicious and gluten free! 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How Green are you?!

Have you ever wondered what kind of affect you have on the world? Or what you can do to change that affect? 

You can calculate your carbon footprint here:

What is your carbon footprint?! "Inevitably, in going about our daily lives — commuting, sheltering our families, eating — each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change. Yet, there are many things each of us, as individuals, can do to reduce our carbon emissions. The choices we make in our homes, our travel, the food we eat, and what we buy and throw away all influence our carbon footprint and can help ensure a stable climate for future generations." ( 

Sooo how did you score? I was surprised to find out so how high mine was; it was just below the national average in everything except for driving.  Not happy with your score?! Go to this link below for some tips on how to go green

Together we CAN make a change! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Save the...bathroom?!?!

Hello Darlings! My wonderful friend Amyyy showed me this amazing website! It's called && it's dedicated to making outdated 50's bathrooms updated and fabulous! 

(pictures from
 I'm a sucker for everything 50's and pink! The first thing i did in my new apartment was paint the bathroom pink, and buy a gorgeous black & white shower curtain! So im psyched about this site!!

10 facts about pink bathrooms

  1. 5 million pink bathrooms — I believe that pink was the single-most popular color for bathrooms in the 1950s, and estimate that some 5 million pink bathrooms went into the 20 million+ homes built in the United States from 1946-1966. I can’t imagine this is easy to prove one way or another. My estimate is based on intent scrutiny of time capsule homes for more than five years. I’m declaring: 1 in 4 — at minimum — mid-century homes had a pink bathroom.
  2. “Mamie Pink” – First Lady Mamie Eisenhower was pivotal in popularizing the color, which is often referred to at “Mamie Pink” or “First Lady Pink.” Her husband President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent her pink flowers every morning. She re-decorated the private quarters in the White House in pink — so much so that reporters called it the “Pink Palace.” And, the bathroom in her Gettysburg retirement home was pink down to the cotton balls.
  3. Postwar exuberance — The popularity of pink, along with classic 50s colors like turquoise, chartreuse and candy apple red, reflects the exuberance of the postwar era.
  4. “…Industry men say pink is tops”: — In 1958 Electrical Merchandising magazine summed up the demand for pink appliances, “If forced to pick one color as leading this year, most industry men say pink is tops.”
  5. Hardwired into our DNA — Evolutionary biologists hypothesized and have followed up with studies showing that a preference for pink may be hard-wired into women’s brains. Yup, it’s scientific.
  6. Retro botox — Pink is actually a great color for bathrooms because the reflected glow makes you look younger…healthier. Photographers seem to like pink bathrooms for the same reason. Have you seen our Flickr Save the Pink Bathrooms Group? Close to 1,000 images of pink bathrooms now there.
  7. Kitchens, too — Pink kitchens also popular, influenced by the same factors. recently featured 61 pink kitchens from the era.
  8. 60s design shift — Pink bathrooms faded from popularity beginning in the late 50s and early 60s due to changes in design taste and as exuberance faded in the face of the cold war and other sobering national events.
  9. Pink resurgent – Today, interest in midcentury design is resurgent, and for many buyers a pristine pink bathroom is a valuable selling point. Several trends are driving this back-to-the-future trend, including a new generation of young buyers who love retro style, nostalgic older buyers, and more recently renewed interest in the “original” suburbs closer to the city, which are holding their value better in the wake of record gas prices.
  10. The most at risk? Of course, pink bathrooms are emblematic — we love vintage yellow, blue, green, beige, peach, salmon, lavendar, grey and even white bathrooms, too. But while there may be resurgent interest driven by sites like and Save the Pink Bathrooms, pink bathrooms seem to be those most highly at risk of gutting, especially on TV home decorating shows where in the words of Rodney Dangerfield, they don’t get no respect
Stay Fabulous! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I dream in....

Nothing to do, nowhere to be 
A simple little a kind of free
Nothing to do, no one but me
That's is all I need
I'm perfectly lonely, yeah
Cause I don't belong to anyone
Nobody belongs to me ♥
Music is the key to my heart
As i rearrange the songs again, 
this mix could burn a hole in anyone
but it was you i was thinking of. ♥

It's the words you sing that make me melt
Kiss Quick, I've got a line out the door
Who all think they can save me.

One by one they lay the world at my feet,
One by one they drive me crazy

It's the words that speaks to your soul...
This is tailor-made
what's the sense in waiting? ♥

It sparks your interest && makes you feel alive.
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So its not hard to fall
When you float like a cannon.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Three of my favorite things!

time for a fun blog-
a few of my favorite things-that i couldn't live without! enjoy!

Organic Tees (no sweat shops here)
I love these- soft and comfy!

Green Tea- delicious and healthy!
Hot or cold (:

Say goodbye to those plastic sandwich baggies-
Reusable alternative to plastic baggies, plastic wrap and foil. Recycled, FDA approved, non-toxic, non-leaching, recyclable PE plastic. 13.5" round.

Feel Free to check these awesome items out! (:


Follow me and my random thoughts at!/DeeJaye00