Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prayer Overload.

Bare with me-I promise this isn’t a religion bashing post this is “this is really starting to annoy me” post
Okay so here’s the scenario-
Let’s face it Face book has become a regular part of everyone’s life- (whether we like to admit it or not) And let’s face we all have that ONE friend that whines constantly. I mean were talking “oh I had the worst day ever :/” status EVERY. SINGLE. FREAKING. DAY.
 the “I don’t feel good” people.
These are the people who you wonder how they can function in everyday life because they are constantly being struck by every ailment in the history of the world.
Seriously I’m waiting for the “I have the Scarlett fever post.” I mean it’s absolutely ridiculous. Okay so you have these attention whores posting these depressing, mood ruining status. Then you have this people posting things like  “your in my prayers.” And “I’ll pray for you”
Let me pause for one minute while you absorb this information…
Yes you read that correctly- people are praying over these ridiculous statuses
Call me crazy but ill keep my prayers for a little something, I don’t know…. more SERIOUS!
Come’ on people your joking right?
 Well I’m not a frequent visitor to these emo-status but I happen to have a bad day every once in a while…and I swear to Tom Cruise someone wrote, ”ill pray for you” on my status.
Are you shitting me? Is this supposed to be comforting to me?
How about you bring me an Icee and cupcake? That’s will help me?
Or offer to punch the idiot that ruined my day (I said offer.)
I don’t know but I guess I don’t feel comforted by people talking about my life right before bed or while on the toilet. Where ever it is that you do your prayers.
The point im making is if you really cared, you would I don’t know make an effort to help make my day better…how about a nice “Cheer UP!” Or “there’s always tomorrow”
Let’s not forget Vodka- Vodka always helps. Or wine? I mean who needs prayer when your have alcohol

I guess where im going with all this valuable information is: religion is becoming a joke. There’s no denying the power of prayer is powerful too many people but there comes a point where enough is enough. Offering to pray for someone who has a massive case of diarrhea? Please! There are children in Africa who need those prayers. Not to mention a few corrupt politicians that could use a few words of prayer.  And lets not forget my disaffiliation with most religious groups. Only because I refused to affiliate with a group of people who judge and exile others.  This says nothing about my relationship with God. We will just let our personal agreement remain between us. But seriously people think about what your saying and who your saying it too? What if I were offend by that? And don’t give me that bullshit about our country being built on religion. We have freedom of religion for a reason.
So here’s my tip- leave the prayers for big disasters and find some new words of encouragement. And when all else fails…. give them Alcohol.

Keep it Classy-

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